Best Inpatient Rehab Center for: Behavioural Addiction

Rehab Center

Passages Malibu

Founded in 2001, Passages Malibu is one of the leading rehabs in the addiction treatment industry. Standing at the forefront,…

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Rehab Center

Hope Rehab Thailand

Hope Rehab Thailand is a fully licensed and accredited international rehab providing alcohol and drug treatment. Situated along the coast…

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Rehab Center

Wellbridge Calverton

Wellbridge Calverton is an addiction research and treatment center that helps people treat their underlying substance use disorders with breakthroughs…

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New York
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Rehab Center

Aton Center

AToN is an exclusive addiction rehabilitation center working closely with addicts to transform their lives. Established in 2009, the facility…

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Rehab Center

Lexington Recovery Center

Lexington Recovery Center is a community-based addiction treatment rehab aiming to meet the needs of its clients in the best…

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New York
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Rehab Center

Cliffside Malibu

Advertising itself as “the best drug and alcohol addiction treatment center anywhere in the world,” Cliffside Malibu is a luxury…

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Rehab Center

Priory Hospital Woking 

Priory Hospital Woking is a leading private mental health facility in the Surrey countryside. Established in the early 1990s, it…

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United Kingdom
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Rehab Center

The Banyans

In Queensland’s southeast, The Banyans is a private rehab center. This health and wellness center offers therapies that are focused…

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Rehab Center

Foundation House Sydney

Foundation House is a not-for-profit residential rehabilitation center that helps people on the path to recovery. This treatment center offers…

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Rehab Center

Liberty House Luton

Liberty House is a fully furnished, spacious rehabilitation center operating from a peaceful street in Luton. Being just outside of…

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United Kingdom
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 More About Behavioral Addiction Treatment Centers

Most people understand the concept of addiction as repeated abuse of substances, including alcohol, prescription medication, or illicit drugs. Many do not know that it is possible to develop addictive behaviors to several activities, including watching television, surfing the internet, and gambling. Some of these are very normal, which is why it is hard to believe that a person can be dependent on them. Though there is an ongoing debate about the validity of the addictive nature of these activities, experts have noted similarities between behavioral addictions and substance abuse patterns. You may have consistent urges to do a particular activity to achieve a high effect, like drugs. Over time, you are also likely to spend more time on an activity, negatively impacting your health, social life, and relationships.

Although people do not tend to take behavioral addictions seriously, they can significantly lower the quality of life, which is why they require treatment. If you or someone you know is repeatedly engaging in an activity regardless of its adverse effects, it is time to join a rehabilitation center. Continue reading this article to know more about behavioral addiction treatment rehab centers.

Behavioral Addiction Treatment – When to Join a Rehab

Compared with substance abuse, behavioral addictions are a lot harder to identify as most people are unaware of them. Most of the time, people participate in similar activities repeatedly while assuming that it is improving their mood, mental state, or issue. The positive perception of their repeated action makes it difficult for them to see their problem. Even if you form a connection between your activity and harmful effects, you may still find it hard to stop. In such a situation, professional treatments offered at a behavioral addiction clinic can help. Look for a facility as soon as you see the following signs:

  • Inability to control yourself or stop the behavior
  • Continuing an addictive activity despite knowing its negative consequences
  • Spending an increasing amount of time in a particular activity
  • Getting cravings and urges to do the activity
  • Neglecting responsibilities, including school, work, and relationships
  • Feelings of shame/embarrassment after engaging in the activity
  • Hiding your addictive behavior from friends/family
  • Using the activity to deal with mental health issues/trauma
  • Being unable to focus on anything else
  • Mood swings and irritability

Specific types of behavioral addictions also have other symptoms. For instance, shopping addiction or gambling can also impact a person’s financial status. You may start borrowing money from friends and family members or even take loans from the bank as you keep excessively spending your own. This may lead to debts and severe financial loss. Because of the differences in symptoms, rehabilitation centers offer personalized behavioral addiction treatment programs. Each patient gets a plan consisting of comprehensive therapies that can help treat addiction and its underlying issues. Over time, you will recover and learn your triggers to prevent returning to your addictive behavior.

Behavioral addictions – Helping a Loved One 

If you think your family member or friend may be developing a behavioral addiction, look for specific signs for confirmation before discussing the problem with them. Although symptoms may vary depending on the type of addiction, there are many general ones too, including:

  • They have become distant from you and other people
  • They are mysterious about their location and life
  • They have been neglecting their work/school/social commitments and responsibilities
  • You do not see them as often as you did before
  • They ask you for money consistently without explanation
  • They are showing signs of depression, anxiety, or mental disorders

In many cases, people with behavioral addiction also use drugs to achieve a mental and physical high simultaneously. They may use alcohol, cocaine, crystal meth, or even medication. So, you can also look for any potential signs of drug abuse. If your loved one displays any of the mentioned symptoms, express your concerns and suggest they begin looking for behavioral addiction treatment centers immediately.


Can you join a residential behavioral addiction rehab?

Residential programs are often offered to people with severe addictions and accompanying health issues. If you have mild symptoms and no associated problems, your doctor may suggest you join an outpatient treatment plan. However, if you have issues like substance abuse or depressive disorder, you may be able to join a residential program. Additionally, if your addiction does not improve with outpatient therapy, you may also be able to switch to inpatient treatment. Typically, your rehab center will inform you about recommended programs after your medical evaluation.

Which treatments are used in behavioral addiction treatment?

The kind of treatment you gets depends on the severity of the symptoms and the cause of the addiction. Generally, you will have one or more of the following in your plan:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Counseling  (individual or couples counseling)
  • Self-help groups

If you have depression, anxiety, or other mental issues, you may also require medications such as antidepressants. Similarly, people who are involved in substance abuse may need to undergo detoxification before rehabilitation and therapy.

How much does a behavioral addiction treatment program cost?

The fees of a rehabilitation center depend on the treatment program you get. If you have problems with behavioral addiction, your plan will be longer and cost more. Also, rehab facilities, activities, and classes have separate fees. If you are considering adding them to your plan, inquire about the estimated cost beforehand to prevent any financial issues.

What percentage of people in behavioral health treatment have some type of addiction?

People who have behavioral addictions often use substances to achieve an elevated high. As a result, they also develop drug addiction over time. The exact percentages of people with both substance and behavioral addiction are unknown, but there is ongoing research on the association between both. Till now, some narrative reviews have identified links between behavioral addiction and mental illnesses, including drug use disorder. However, the information on this subject is limited, and there is a need for further research.