Best Inpatient Rehab Center for: Love Addiction

Rehab Center

The Kusnacht Practice

Kusnacht Practice Switzerland  Nestled close to the pure waters of Lake Zurich and enveloped by clean air and pure nature,…

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Promises Healthcare

Mental health disorders can profoundly impact one’s overall well-being, affecting various aspects of life, including relationships, work performance, and overall…

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The Cabin Thailand

Is trauma, addiction, or a mental illness holding you back from living a happy and healthy life? Are the challenges…

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Aton Center

AToN is an exclusive addiction rehabilitation center working closely with addicts to transform their lives. Established in 2009, the facility…

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Ibiza Calm

Ibiza Calm is providing visitors with personalized treatments for addictions and mental health problems. Ibiza Calm is considered the most…

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Cliffside Malibu

Advertising itself as “the best drug and alcohol addiction treatment center anywhere in the world,” Cliffside Malibu is a luxury…

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Alta Mira Recovery

Alta Mira Recovery Sausalito is a premier residential treatment center and intense program dedicated to the treatment of addiction and…

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Paracelsus Recovery

Paracelsus Recovery-The Most Expensive Rehab Center In The World Paracelsus Recovery is a luxury addiction and mental health clinic providing…

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Cottonwood Tucson

The Cottonwood Tucson Treatment Center is ocated on a 35-acre campus in Tucson’s (Arizona) foothills, Cottonwood is a well-known Arizona…

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Addcounsel is a facility located in the beautiful capital of London in the UK. Addcounsel works closely with victims of…

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United Kingdom
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More About Love Addiction Treatment Center

Love addiction is a highly debated and controversial psychiatric disorder. While some argue that everyone is at risk of having some level of this addiction potential throughout life, others are yet to consider it a diagnosis requiring medical intervention. Despite the many opinions on the matter, love addiction can trigger emotional problems to the extent that it can sabotage relationships. It often leads to high levels of emotional distress, obsessions, and compulsive behaviors regarding love, sex, and romance. Resultantly, people fighting love addictions always have unstable relationships which can be mentally and physically abusive.

Unfortunately, many cannot identify love addiction and the dangers of such unions. However, once recognized, it can be easily managed at a dedicated love addiction treatment center with evidence-based therapy.

Identifying Love Addiction

Before seeking treatment for love addiction, it is crucial to catch the problem and its symptoms. Most people who struggle with love addiction tend to idolize their partner and pursue relationships just for the sake of the honeymoon phase. Others may become excessively clingy and overly dependent on their companions.

Consider joining a love addiction rehab if you or your partner exhibits the following symptoms:

  • A need to be in love all the time
  • Obsessing over your partner
  • Putting your partner on a pedestal
  • A need to fall in love often
  • An inability to be alone
  • Experiencing  dependency on your partner
  • Seeking emotional comfort from your partner to the extent of unrequited love

While it is normal for someone to idolize their romantic partner, a love addict may do so to an unhealthy extent, leading to detrimental consequences.

Love Addiction Recovery and Co-Occurring Disorders

Love addiction commonly co-exists with other types of emotional and mental challenges. In case of trauma, the affected individuals seek love from unhealthy places to fulfill the emotional gaps in their minds from the past experiences. Alternatively, people looking forward to experiencing the highs of love find this a motivating factor for constantly needing love or relationships.

Suppose an obsessive love addict cannot maintain their partner’s affection or attention. In that case, they can quickly experience anxiety or depression as their relationship slowly falls apart. The stress love addict, on the other hand, experiences this compulsive need to form or maintain relationships which sabotages their overall health and function. They may begin neglecting self-care and personal needs as the emotional highs and lows consume them. In extreme cases, they may become incapable of functioning within healthy patterns without the presence of a loved one.  These feelings of frustration often tempt them to fall into other problems, such as alcoholism and substance abuse.

Fortunately, many relationship addiction treatment plans offer dual diagnosis programs that help manage all co-existing issues simultaneously for better outcomes and faster recovery.

Love Addiction Recovery Steps: What Does a Rehabilitation Center Offer?

A relationship rehab offers multiple treatment modalities to all clients with love addiction. Experts working at these facilities perform an initial assessment to decide which treatments can work best for them, depending on their individual goals.

In general, a love addiction treatment center offers the following elements as a part of their recovery program.


Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is among the most commonly used therapies for managing love addiction. In this therapy, the client works with a therapist to overcome the distorted thoughts and beliefs about love that potentially lead to problematic behaviors. CBT uses a psychodynamic approach to uncover these behaviors and gradually replace them with healthier alternatives.

Family Programs

In addition to one-on-one and group counseling, many love addiction treatment centers offer family programs. These programs serve as a platform for clients to work through their issues with their partners and restore their deteriorating relationships.


A psychiatrist is the best person to decide whether or not someone needs medication to support recovery. In the case of a newly-diagnosed co-occurring disorder, a suitable drug might be prescribed to manage it simultaneously as the treatment for love addiction continues.


What is the difference between healthy love and toxic love addiction?

Toxic love is characterized by harmful practices and attitudes, such as being possessive, constantly doubting your partner’s loyalty, and overthinking them. This type of love can make you feel out of control and think about your love interest to the extent that they permeate your thoughts.

Healthy love, on the other hand, is based on a mutual commitment to growing together and accomplishing milestones independently and with each other. Such love usually exists between partners who share a common goal, such as starting a business. Even if their goals are not well-aligned, they tend to support each other in achieving their respective aspirations.

What are the reasons for developing a love addiction?

Research is investigating the exact reasons and mechanisms following which an individual develops love addiction. So far, multiple factors, such as trauma, upbringing, and genetics, have been revealed that contribute to love addiction. Experts believe love addiction stems from different places, such as poor self-esteem. For example, an individual with low self-esteem is likely to lean on their partner to gain self-worth and value. Additionally, some individuals develop love addiction to fill a void due to childhood trauma. Like other types of addiction, love addiction can also develop due to abandonment fears or due to chemical imbalances in the brain induced during sexual activity,

Another reason for experiencing love addiction is the need to use relationships to fill emotional voids. Many people feel that love can bring excitement and value to their lives and may put too much pressure on their partner to be their everything. They often have poor emotional boundaries and end up developing codependency. Lastly, childhood factors like abuse and trauma can also lead to this type of addiction.

What are the different types of love addiction dynamics?

People with an underlying love addiction can be categorized into one of the following four groups:

  • Obsessive love addicts struggle to detach or part ways from their partners, even if their relationship has become abusive or toxic.
  • Codependent love addicts use their partners to boost their self-worth and self-esteem. Such people aim to please others in relationships in hopes of getting validation from them.
  • Narcissistic love addicts place themselves in a position of power in a relationship. They have the potential to exploit their partner and use them to boost their ego and servitude.
  • Ambivalent love addicts avoid true intimacy and hold on to past loves. Such people commonly engage in one-sided relationships and often end up sabotaging them.