The Austen Riggs Center is an internationally-acclaimed open psychiatric hospital with a renowned therapeutic community and a center for clinical research and education. It advertises itself as a place that promotes self-direction and personal resilience in adults with complex psychiatric issues. As a residential mental health treatment center, the facility utilizes a different approach to treating the person instead of their diagnosis.

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The caring experts appointed by the facility work with clients to get to the root cause behind their symptoms for long-term recovery. The time, support, and space for reflection that clients get on-campus help them better understand themselves and their relationships, enabling them to solve different issues and establish a satisfying life.

Successfully operating since 1919, Austen Riggs was established in Stockbridge in Western Massachusetts and held a distinguished record in mental health treatment. The verdant campus it operates from provides a quiet setting for the therapeutic community it harbors. The facility is located in a convenient location which is three hours away from New York City and two hours from Boston.

Admission Process

The admission process at Austen Riggs includes several easy and convenient steps to go through one by one. This step-by-step admission process ensures that each client fully benefits from the long-term treatment plans in the open setting of the rehab. For this purpose, the rehab needs to confidentiality conduct several discussions and assessments and use it to curate an individual program for maximum chances of recovery.

Following are the steps of the admission process to the Austen Riggs program:

Data Gathering

The first step involves conducting a one-on-one session with clients to hear about their program directly from them. During this session, experts also gather the necessary medical and clinical information to check if Riggs is a suitable fit.

Discussing the Difference

In this step, clients and experts work together to explore the implications of their voluntary, open setting. At this step, clients also develop an alliance with the clinical staff and acquire a lead in their treatment plan.

Cost Consideration

In the third step of admission, the experts at Austen Riggs help clients review their payment policies, fee structure, and health insurance coverage.

Admission Consultation

The last step includes an in-person admission that mostly leads to an offer of admission. By this point, experts also make sure to answer any queries clients may have about their experience at this facility.

Treatment Programs at Austen Riggs Psychiatric Treatment Centers

Austen Riggs rehab provides the following programs for its clients:

Inn Residential Programs

Austen Riggs Hospital offers various residential programs in an environment similar to the New England historic inn instead of a hospital. The facility where this program takes place is called the Inn, and it comes with 24/7 nursing and accommodation for up to 40 patients at a time. When a client joins an offer of admission, they enter a suitable program where they can meet the staff members and the patient community. This treatment plan has been based on three fundamental principles: respecting the authority of one’s own life, learning the importance of relationships, and learning the meaning of recovery beyond symptomatic management.

A conventional residential program at the Inn continues for six weeks, following which the treatment team may shift clients to a lower level of care. However, most clients remain in this level of care beyond six weeks. During their stay at the Inn, these clients have access to the therapeutic community program and other activities. The treatment unit has three floors with single rooms that come with private baths, along with standard rooms that come with shared bathrooms. Next to patient rooms are medication-dispensing closets and nursing stations for convenience and ease for everyone. The treatment unit also has a community space with a dining room where clients can participate in buffet-style meals. Other communal areas include a fully-equipped gym and library.

Step-Down Programs

After spending the initial six weeks in the residential program, clients at Austen Riggs move onto a step-down program where they can maintain their recovery while developing skills necessary to ensure independent living. With these programs’ support, clients can also return to work or school, live more independently, and learn to engage in fulfilling relationships. The step-down programs occur in historic homes renovated with modern facilities and provide a supportive environment for clients to develop independent living skills, interpersonal ability, and self-management. These programs are available at lesser costs than usual and provide access to 24-hour nursing care.


Who is the Austen Riggs IOP program for?

The treatment program available at Austen Riggs is suitable for graduate and college students and other emerging adults aged 18 to 26 years living in New York or Massachusetts. All patients participating in the treatment programs must be present in these areas while they receive treatment. Remember that this program may not be suitable for people with suicidal ideation or active addiction.

Does the rehab accept insurance?

Despite being an out-of-network facility, Austen Riggs Treatment Centers are willing to work with insurance companies to help clients receive the support and coverage they need for their treatment plans. The rehab does not balance bills and hold clients responsible for their deductible, copayment, or coinsurance as determined by their insurance policies. The staff members at the rehab also make sure to verify the insurance benefits for each patient before they begin treatment at this facility.

Will I get financial assistance at Austen Riggs Center Stockbridge MA?

The rehab provides need-based financial assistance along with personalized payment plans in accordance with the customized plans of each client. Talk to a representative to know if you are eligible to avail of this service.

How long is an IOP program at the rehab?

The IOP at Austen Riggs run for 9 to 12 hours per week.

Does the rehab run its intensive outpatient program throughout the year?

Yes, the rehab makes its IOP available for young adults and students throughout the year as long as they are physically present in New York or Massachusetts to participate in its sessions. This means that those who are out of these areas due to vacation of school breaks can only participate in these recovery programs once they return.

How long is the duration of treatment?

The duration of treatment at Austen Riggs varies depending on the clinical assessment results and the personal objectives and goals of treatment. On average, most clients remain in a treatment program for three years.

Will my family members get a chance to participate in treatment?

Austen Riggs psychiatric treatment centers encourage family involvement in the treatment plan; however, it occurs only after seeking authorization from the patient. Involving family members in treatment can also be helpful in terms of covering treatment expenses. Some patients also use these periodic family meetings as an additional source of support.

  • Address 25 Main St, Stockbridge, MA, United States, Massachusetts
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