Tranquility Woods is a drug and alcohol rehab that offers support and assistance to clients to break free from addiction. The comprehensive treatment approach it adopts includes medical, clinical, and holistic care. This residential treatment center operates from Pasadena, Maryland, and takes in clients struggling with substance use disorder. The facility provides a supportive and peaceful environment where clients can easily focus on their long-term recovery and acquire the strategies and skills they need to attain and maintain sobriety.

Offering different types of activities and therapies, Tranquility Woods Maryland provides individual and group counseling according to the individual circumstances of each client. The treatment team’s goal at this rehab is to help individuals overcome their addiction and establish a foundation for long-term recovery through individualized approaches.

Tranquility Woods Program Overview: Therapy Methods

The addiction treatment program offered at Tranquility Woods Pasadena MD, typically continues for 30 days but may prolong depending on individual needs. The experts overlooking these programs believe that no two addictions are the same; hence, each client may require different approaches to find recovery. The primary goal of rehab is to support them in moving past their addiction and leading healthier life. For this purpose, it may use the following therapy methods:

Individual Therapy

Individual sessions at Tranquility Woods take place three to four times per week and serve as the cornerstone of the treatment program. Each client who enters treatment gets a primary therapist with whom they closely work to overcome individual struggles. In addition to these private therapy sessions, the treatment center also provides up to two individual mental health sessions every week under the supervision of a mental health therapist.

The clinical program takes place under the supervision of a certified doctor with decades of experience in treating addiction. The individualized approach in the treatment allows clients to understand the drivers of their addiction to maintain recovery for years to come.

Group Therapy

Group therapy is available to clients daily to help them understand that they are not alone in their experience. These sessions let them meet other people with similar issues and help them remove the sense of isolation while raising self-esteem levels. Group sessions also encourage clients to hold each other accountable while sharing coping skills. The group environment is safe, supportive, and conducive to healing for people looking forward to improving their communication, social skills, and interpersonal behaviors.

Family Therapy

The weekly family therapy sessions include one-hour-long meetings with a therapist as a part of the residential program at Tranquility Woods Maryland.

Family Visitation

The rehab opens its facility for visitors every weekend, and each client can invite two of their adult family members every other weekend to participate in their treatment program. The staff encourages taking appointments before scheduling family visitation as the schedule may vary.

Mental Health Therapy

The weekly mental health therapy at Tranquility Woods provides a chance to clients to engage with mental health therapists who specialize in treating co-occurring disorders. The mental health team at this rehab focuses on treating depression, anxiety, PTSD, loss, grief, and more.

Addiction Psychiatry

Every client that takes part in the addiction program also includes a mental health evaluation. Experts at the rehab are very experienced in treating dual diagnosis alongside addiction. In some cases, clients who come to rehab are already working with a psychiatrist or taking medications to treat mental health disorders. Such people can benefit from these psychiatric addiction services. These services also engage them individual and group sessions where they can manage their co-occurring disorders.

Tranquility Woods Program Overview: Holistic Methods

In addition to providing conventional addiction therapies, the treatment team at Tranquility Woods Pasadena also offer holistic methods to clients. These holistic therapies include the following:


Acupuncture treatments are available twice weekly to help clients get rid of toxins and chemicals in their bodies. This technique is highly effective and relaxing and helps them cleanse their bodies, release toxins, relieve stress, and regain health and energy in the body and mind.


Yoga Nidra, or yogic sleep, is a unique meditation practice that includes maintaining a state of consciousness between sleeping and wakefulness. During a session, a practitioner maintains a state of relaxation by allowing the body to rest but keeps the mind aware and active. This practice is available once every week and allows clients to attain inner peace.


Daily exercise has many mental and physical health benefits that can be particularly helpful for people with addiction. Light exercises, such as gentle stretching and walking, reduce stress and anxiety levels while boosting self-esteem and improving mood. Additionally, it also improves sleep while boosting overall physical health. Many recovery people find it an outlet to release negative energy and emotions.

Experiential Therapy

Weekly experiential therapy at Tranquility rehab includes several sessions of adventure therapy to help clients enjoy life. These activities help clients enjoy and stimulate themselves. These activities are properly planned and take place inside the rehab. However, clients may also participate in past outings, such as go-carts, movies or museums, etc.

Private Massage

The rehab offers 30 minutes of private massage to people in addiction recovery. Massage helps reduce such people’s anxiety and stress levels while improving their mood and promoting relaxation. It can also help reduce the physical symptoms of withdrawal, such as fatigue, headaches, and pains. Additionally, massage can also improve circulation while promoting overall physical health. Regular massage also provides them with a sense of support and grounding to help improve self-esteem and overall body image.


How many clients does Tranquility Woods Addiction Treatment Center treat?

The treatment center only treats 32 clients at a time to ensure that each gets individualized attention.

Does the rehab offer private rooms?

The rehab does offer clients a chance to live in private accommodations but at an additional cost. Otherwise, clients are welcome to stay in standard rooms that they share with another person. Each standard room comes with a private bathroom and is very spacious and comfortable.

How much does treatment at Tranquility Woods cost?

The cost of treatment at Tranquility Woods Maryland varies depending on the client’s health insurance. Each health insurance plan is different, with variable costs. Sometimes, this plan covers the entire cost of treatment, whereas in other cases, clients may have to pay part of it from their pocket.

Does health insurance cover addiction treatment?

Most clients who join Tranquility Woods use their health insurance to cover the cost of care. The case managers at their insurance companies receive medical and clinical records of patients from the rehab, assess them, and let the rehab and clients know how much cost the plan can cover.

  • Address 171 A Ryan Rd, Pasadena, MD, United States, Maryland
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