BlueFire Wilderness Therapy, offered at the Sawtooth Mountains in South Central Idaho, is a transformative outdoor therapy program tailored to the needs of young adults and teenagers. Founded on clinical expertise and adventure therapy principles, BlueFire is a clinician-owned program committed to fostering enduring, internalized change in its participants.

BlueFire’s core mission is to guide adolescents and young adults through a profound healing process, enabling them to reach their fullest potential. It is achieved by combining therapeutic interventions with the therapeutic power of nature. Through wilderness adventures, teens and their families embark on self-discovery and growth, ultimately forging stronger bonds and facilitating positive change.

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What sets BlueFire Wilderness Therapy apart is its distinguished team of pioneers in nature-based therapy, boasting an impressive 75 years of collective experience in working with families facing various challenges. The wealth of expertise enables BlueFire to create an optimal therapeutic environment where participants can rediscover their self-worth and build upon it.

Gather, Build & Ignite Continual Excellence – Core Values of BlueFire Wilderness Therapy Idaho

BlueFire Wilderness Therapy is guided by a set of core values that form the foundation of its therapeutic approach. These values are encapsulated in the following metaphorical fire-building model mantra that highlights every facet of the program’s operation:


At BlueFire, the first step in the transformative process is to gather the best practices for nature-based adventure therapy. They understand that effective therapy is a dynamic, continually evolving and improving field. Therefore, BlueFire is committed to staying at the forefront of these advancements. They meticulously research and gather the most effective therapeutic techniques, ensuring their program always aligns with the latest evidence-based practices.


The second pillar of the BlueFire approach is to build the strongest, most experienced team with unparalleled dedication. BlueFire recognizes that the quality of its staff is integral to the success of its program. They assemble a team of experts with a wealth of experience and a deep commitment to helping struggling youth and their families. By fostering a culture of continuous learning and growth among their staff, BlueFire ensures that their team remains at the pinnacle of their field, ready to guide participants toward lasting transformation.


The final aspect of the BlueFire model is to ignite the spark that provides the best program for families in need. BlueFire believes in the transformative power of nature and adventure therapy. By immersing participants in the wilderness and challenging them through adventure, they ignite the spark of personal growth and healing. This spark sets participants on a path to becoming their best versions. BlueFire’s goal is to provide a program and kindle a lifelong flame of positive change within each participant.

BlueFire Therapy Programs – A Holistic Approach to Transformation

BlueFire Therapy offers various therapeutic programs to guide individuals and families toward lasting positive change. Each program is thoughtfully crafted to address needs and challenges, providing a holistic approach to personal growth and healing. Some of the programs are:

Wilderness Therapy Program – The Sawtooth Mountains Experience

BlueFire’s wilderness therapy program is the cornerstone of their approach. The immersive experience spans three to four days in the stunning Sawtooth Mountains of Idaho.

Participants engage in various outdoor activities and therapeutic interventions during the trek, camp, and retreat in the Sawtooth Mountains. These activities promote self-discovery, build resilience, and foster teamwork. Participants learn essential life skills such as problem-solving, effective communication, and leadership while navigating the challenges of the wilderness. The serene natural environment is a powerful backdrop for self-reflection and personal growth, creating a deep connection to the therapeutic process.

Academics Program – Learning in Nature

Recognizing the importance of education, BlueFire integrates an academic program into its therapeutic offerings. Educational sessions occur within the mountains, allowing participants to continue their studies while benefiting from the therapeutic environment. The approach ensures that academic progress is not sacrificed for personal growth and healing.

The academic program is tailored to the individual needs of each participant, providing support and resources to help them succeed academically. The mountain setting is an inspiring backdrop for learning, making the educational experience both engaging and enriching.

Healing from Trauma Program – Nurturing Recovery

Trauma can profoundly affect an individual’s well-being and relationships. BlueFire Wilderness Therapy recognizes the significance of addressing trauma and offers a specialized program dedicated to healing from trauma. The program employs evidence-based therapeutic techniques to help participants process their traumatic experiences, build resilience, and develop healthy coping mechanisms.

Through a combination of individual and group therapy sessions, participants in the program gain insights into their past experiences and work towards emotional healing. The therapeutic support and natural surroundings create a safe and nurturing environment for individuals to confront and overcome their trauma.

Who Can Join BlueFire Wilderness Therapy – Serving the Whole Family

BlueFire Wilderness Therapy is committed to serving the entire family system, recognizing that healing extends beyond the individual child who may be struggling. People who can benefit from and join BlueFire Therapy include:

  • Teens (Ages 11-17): BlueFire welcomes teenagers aged 11 to 17. Adolescence is an important development period, and BlueFire’s wilderness therapy offers a unique opportunity for struggling teens to gain valuable life skills, improve behavior, and build stronger family relationships.
  • Young Adults (Ages 18-28): BlueFire recognizes that the challenges young adults face differ from those of teenagers. Therefore, they offer a separate program for individuals aged 18 to 28. The program caters to the needs and aspirations of young adults, helping them overcome obstacles and transition into a more productive and fulfilling phase of life.
  • Families in Crisis: BlueFire understands that the struggles of one family member can deeply affect the entire family unit. Families experiencing crises related to their child’s behavior can collectively join BlueFire’s therapy program to address these issues. BlueFire works to mend family dynamics, enhance communication, and provide the tools needed for long-term healing.
  • Parents and Caregivers: Parents and caregivers play a pivotal role in a child’s healing. Therefore, BlueFire actively involves parents and caregivers in the therapeutic process, offering guidance, support, and education on effective parenting techniques. It equips parents with the skills and resources to support their child’s growth and maintain a harmonious family environment.
  • Individuals Seeking Personal Growth: It is not uncommon for individuals to seek personal growth and self-discovery, even without a specific crisis. BlueFire’s therapy programs are open to those who want to explore their potential, develop resilience, and gain valuable life skills in a wilderness setting.
  • Those Seeking Lasting Change: BlueFire’s focus on internalized change makes it suitable for individuals and families who are committed to achieving lasting, positive transformation. Whether dealing with behavioral issues, mental health challenges, or personal growth aspirations, BlueFire offers a comprehensive and highly individualized treatment plan.
  • BlueFire Wilderness Therapy recognizes that healing and personal growth are multifaceted processes that involve the entire family system. By serving a diverse range of clients, it fosters a supportive environment where individuals and families can make a lasting positive change.


What facilities are offered by BlueFire Therapy?

BlueFire Therapy provides many facilities to ensure participants a safe and transformative experience. These facilities include:

  • Equine Facility: BlueFire incorporates equine therapy into its programs, allowing participants to work with horses as part of their therapeutic journey.
  • Base Camp: A well-equipped base camp serves as the central hub for participants during their wilderness therapy experience. It provides a safe and comfortable place for group activities, therapy sessions, and rest.
  • High-Quality Trekking Gear: Participants are provided with top-tier trekking gear, ensuring their safety and comfort during outdoor excursions. The gear includes clothing, equipment, and camping supplies for wilderness adventures.

What are BlueFire Wilderness Therapy reviews like?

BlueFire Therapy has received highly positive reviews from both participants and their families. Many report significant improvements in behavior, communication skills, and overall well-being. The therapy’s effectiveness in a wilderness setting, combined with the expertise of their staff, is often praised. Reviews often highlight the program’s ability to foster personal growth, self-confidence, and lasting positive change.

How can I join BlueFire Wilderness Therapy?

To join BlueFire Wilderness Therapy, consider the following steps:

  • Contact BlueFire: Begin by reaching out to BlueFire Wilderness Therapy through their website or by phone. Their admissions team will guide you through the initial steps and answer any questions you may have.
  • Assessment: An assessment will determine if BlueFire is the right fit for your needs. This assessment helps create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your unique circumstances.
  • Admission: The admissions team will assist with enrollment once the assessment is complete. They will discuss logistics, fees, program details, transport, and things you must bring.
  • Address 1832 E 1750 S
    Gooding ID 83330